Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I am counting down the days until summer...I haven't been for a run for two days, I am just so exhausted and over work!

Yesterday I dragged myself out of bed and had Kindergarten for gym first. The hall was being used by maintenance men, so we played 'duck duck goose' and other games like that instead. I partnered J. in ladders and they were all very excited that Miss Peters was playing. Then laughed at me when I lost the race. I totally lost on purpose, but having 14 six year olds mock you is never that nice haha.

I helped a couple of the Year 8s throughout the day (and a bit of last week as well) with their french oral practice. They have their exams this week and they were all freaking out, so while I was covering an Art class I sat in the corner and asked them questions about their school, home etc...I remember how scary oral exams are!! The ones I've helped this week have done really well (after drilling J. on her perfect and future tenses, she cornered me at dinner and said that the examiner congratulated her on her use of tenses! WOO!), so that's really good :) I helped a couple last week as well after dinner - nicely giving up facebook stalking to help 13 year olds revise 'avoir'! I'm finding it really rewarding, and shows me that however cute the little ones are, the older ones are SO much more fun.

The girls are always really curious to know about your life outside of Godstowe. The amount of times that I've been asked if I've ever had a boyfriend/been drunk/smoked is ridiculous. Obviously we just say 'thats none of your business', but yesterday during the end of Art class cracked me up.
'Miss Peters, have you got a boyfriend?'
Me: 'Girls, I'm not telling you a thing'
'She DOES! have you kissed him?!'
L: 'Of course she has stupid, she's pretty' (at that point I died of cuteness)
I: 'Have you SNOGGED him?'
At that point I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing. The I.T teacher walked in at that point and the girls in question died of embarassment because they had just yelled the word SNOG in front of an old male teacher. Hahaha. They all seem to think that we have raging parties up at the gap flat, when really all we do is watch Come Dine with Me, Doctor Who and Friends.

Today the sport with Lodge was cancelled, so I spent a lot of my day doing admin and making boards. My Form One class has just got three new beanbags in their reading corner, so I spend the first five minutes of each morning making sure they don't suffocate each other by throwing L. under the bags and sitting on her. Playground duty is full of drama as usual - stuff like 'she took my smelly gel pen' .

Summer plans are coming into motion - will have definite plans by the end of the week! I got my hba1c back and it's higher than last time, so I'm in a bit of a shit mood this week, trying to get it back down. My health kick is coming along nicely, I've stopped losing weight but can finally see my collarbones, which is nice! I'm off to the hospital tomorrow to get blood tests done, I;ve been ill on and off the past couple of months and the doctor thinks I might have coeliac...fingers crossed I don't!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I got so spoilt!

Monday night (the 9th) I came up to the flat and discovered that Izzy and Em had planned to order my fave chinese takeout and suprise me with it! Ultimately that plan failed, because the restaurant was closed, but the thought was lovely! We had Indian with some wine, it was so nice! Skyped my family and had some quality time with the whole extended family - my cousins are getting so big!!

Tuesday I woke up, then promptly jumped back into bed as Aisling started yelling 'GET INTO BED!!' 'Can I get dres..'' 'NO! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!!!' Hahaha. Rose and Aisling brought me in birthday muffins (hark back to the days of good old 9E!) and sang me happy birthday to 'wake me up'. I opened up the parcel that my parents sent me (which had arrived the day before), which was the best parcel in the world. Contained Aussie stuff, like timtams and milo and a toy koala. and a gorgeous pandora charm. Izzy had her camera out, and ocumented my whole day hahaha. I didn't want to go down to work, but I'm glad I did!

Yve was waiting for me in my Form 1 classroom with a massive badge that said 'IT'S MY BIRTHDAY', which flashed...the girls were very excited and P. led about 3 renditions of 'Happy Birthday Miss Peters', then I got drowned in hugs. After Form 1, I had PE with the Preps, and the gem of the day was this.
'Miss Peaches, how old are you now?'
'How old do you think I am Jess?'
*she thinks hard...* '45!'

The rest of the day was spent doing usual stuff, but with more of a spring in my step because I'm 19 now! When I was at lunch, my Form 1s came in and started up another improptu chorus of 'Happy Birthday'. It was so sweet! I ran over and we all had a big 1S group hug, I'll miss that class loads after summer term! A. (one of the Spanish girls I take for EAL) knocked softly at the staffroom door, handed me a homemade bday card, and gave me a huge bear hug - heart melted. After work ended I bolted up to the flat to leave for London with Aisling and Rose to see LEGALLY BLONDE THE MUSICAL.

Needless to say, I cried with happiness. I kid you not, I was smiling so hard throughout the entire thing I'm suprised my face didn't explode. It was so much fun, and we got AMAZING seats. Last minute cheap tickets, and we were smack bang in the middle. It's karma I tell you, karma. The people around us were very amused, when 'So Much Better' started Rose and I grabbed each other and exclaimed 'oh my god this is our song!!!'. The tube ride back to High Wycombe consisted of us singing every Legally Blonde (and Starkid) song that we knew. But that wasn't all!

When we arrived at the flat, I was dragging my feet and wanting to get into bed. I was the last to get into the flat, and as I opened the door all the lights went on and there was a massive yell of SUPRISE!!! My beautiful gappies had thrown me a little suprise party! The living room table was groaning under the weight of food and cake. I got so many more presents, really thoughtful and lovely. I'm so lucky, what did I do to deserve to be so spoilt?! :)

Today I just bathed in post-birthday bliss. I got a couple more bday cards from the girls, and B. even got me a little teddy bear! (It was unintentionally white and purple...WOAHHH BOOMBOOMBOOM YES) We were all exhausted, but I had a lovely birthday. Have been living off cake and lollies for the past day or two.

The Uppers and IVs have their french orals next week, so I'm helping them during lunchtimes and class, and some of the boarders after dinner. I remember feeling stressed about orals, its the worst feeling ever. Not lonf now until half-term, this year is going way too fast.

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Just kidding. I wish.

However, we did head into Hyde Park to watch it! Along with 120 000 other people. It was so much fun, we all 'awww'ed at the moment where Harry looked around and said 'Wait 'til you see her to Will'. the moment where they looked at each other, any moment really. When Kate got out of her car everyone cheered loudly, stood up, and waved their Union Jacks like their life depended on it. The atmosphere was awesome.

Only awkward bit was when the entire park stood up to sing 'God Save the Queen', and us, along with a thousand other Aussies, Kiwis and Canadians, stood there awkwardly and half-heartedly waved our flags. Australians all let us rejoice?

Rose, Aisling and I had packed a picnic and everything. After the wedding had 'finished', there was a massive stage with a band playing 'wedding songs', so we belted out everything from Shania Twain to Robbie Williams for an hour or two. We were up dancing nearly the whole time, the park was mostly full of young people like us having a day out. I don't care what people say about it being ridiculous - it was such a great day, all the Brits were so patriotic and at the end of the day, it's really nice to watch a wedding!

Afterwards, we made a detour to Kings Cross Station so we could go to Platform 9 3/4. We got lost however...
Kings cross ticket guy : 'Where are you girls trying to get to?'
Aisling and I: 'HOGWARTS!!!!'
We found it eventually, and I'm not ashamed to say I let out a very loud and excited squeal!