Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I am counting down the days until summer...I haven't been for a run for two days, I am just so exhausted and over work!

Yesterday I dragged myself out of bed and had Kindergarten for gym first. The hall was being used by maintenance men, so we played 'duck duck goose' and other games like that instead. I partnered J. in ladders and they were all very excited that Miss Peters was playing. Then laughed at me when I lost the race. I totally lost on purpose, but having 14 six year olds mock you is never that nice haha.

I helped a couple of the Year 8s throughout the day (and a bit of last week as well) with their french oral practice. They have their exams this week and they were all freaking out, so while I was covering an Art class I sat in the corner and asked them questions about their school, home etc...I remember how scary oral exams are!! The ones I've helped this week have done really well (after drilling J. on her perfect and future tenses, she cornered me at dinner and said that the examiner congratulated her on her use of tenses! WOO!), so that's really good :) I helped a couple last week as well after dinner - nicely giving up facebook stalking to help 13 year olds revise 'avoir'! I'm finding it really rewarding, and shows me that however cute the little ones are, the older ones are SO much more fun.

The girls are always really curious to know about your life outside of Godstowe. The amount of times that I've been asked if I've ever had a boyfriend/been drunk/smoked is ridiculous. Obviously we just say 'thats none of your business', but yesterday during the end of Art class cracked me up.
'Miss Peters, have you got a boyfriend?'
Me: 'Girls, I'm not telling you a thing'
'She DOES! have you kissed him?!'
L: 'Of course she has stupid, she's pretty' (at that point I died of cuteness)
I: 'Have you SNOGGED him?'
At that point I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing. The I.T teacher walked in at that point and the girls in question died of embarassment because they had just yelled the word SNOG in front of an old male teacher. Hahaha. They all seem to think that we have raging parties up at the gap flat, when really all we do is watch Come Dine with Me, Doctor Who and Friends.

Today the sport with Lodge was cancelled, so I spent a lot of my day doing admin and making boards. My Form One class has just got three new beanbags in their reading corner, so I spend the first five minutes of each morning making sure they don't suffocate each other by throwing L. under the bags and sitting on her. Playground duty is full of drama as usual - stuff like 'she took my smelly gel pen' .

Summer plans are coming into motion - will have definite plans by the end of the week! I got my hba1c back and it's higher than last time, so I'm in a bit of a shit mood this week, trying to get it back down. My health kick is coming along nicely, I've stopped losing weight but can finally see my collarbones, which is nice! I'm off to the hospital tomorrow to get blood tests done, I;ve been ill on and off the past couple of months and the doctor thinks I might have coeliac...fingers crossed I don't!


  1. Faark George, could you be that unlucky. Let's just blame Pop for his extremely crap genes. Could be dairy, or just wheat and not gluten. Give me a ring xx

  2. Hope you're OK Georgie - thoughts and love heading your way. Work sounds fun - I still can't believe you get for this!! Do tell what your plans for summer are - I am sure to be jealous. Thake care - Love Caitlin Brendan Megan Bomber and a cheeky Willow!!

  3. Faark again Goergie,hope it's dairy,P'raps it's chalk!! I'll ring Mum to hear the latest. I SHALL write soon.. My love Kathleen
