Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So I've been lazy

really lazy.
I can't be bothered writing a huge blog about summer. No-one is going to get through that anyway, So I'll just jot down some highlights and have a rant about starting work again.

- Fell in love with Italy. Want to go back and live there. Not even joking. Someone please teach me Italian, pronto!
- Went sailing through tiny Greek islands for 3 days, in our own boat. Met fantastic people, so much fun. At one point I was sitting at the front of the boat, sailing through choppy ocean in my bikini, and water spalshing all over me. It was fantastic!
- Did Eastern Europe for about 2/12 weeks. Croatia was beautiful, I need to go back. Budapest is the coolest city ever. Prague is like living in a fairytale, it is absolutely gorgeous (and you can drink on the street there as well, which meant Aisling and I were able to walk along the streets of Prague drinking cheap wine and making lots of new friends hahaha)
- Albania was crazy. Very weird. (Unfortunately didn't find Voldemort, but there's always a next time)
- Krakow was AWESOME. Polish people are so friendly, and the city itself was really funky. Met some great English, German and Aussie people in the hostel, had heaps of fun with them/ Went to Auschwitz, which was something I really needed to do after doing 20th century history. There were some tears, it was a very confronting day.
- Slept in Warsaw airport. It was cold and horrible and I had to sneakily sleep in a cafe by hiding behind the stacked up chairs and putting cushions over me. Never again.
- Spent a couple of days in Paris with Steph. It was lovely to see her again, and also to talk French!
- Finished off Europe with Santorini for 6 days. It was so relaxing. Kate and I went cliff diving, donkey riding, drove around the island and had the best week ever!
- Last place I went before starting work was Ireland. Ireland was great, it's another place I want to live for a while. The people are ridiculously friendly, and the country itself is stunning. The weather is shit, but my pale skin fits in there haha. Rose and I saw a play in Dublin the night before we left, for £10. Bargain.
- Got back to London on a 12 hour overnight bus (hell), then discovered that to get back to High Wycombe we had to get the tube all the way to West Ruislip and then a bus to High Wycombe. 15 hours on public transport. Wanted to die.

Now have started back at work. Daisy arrived last Friday, which I was ridiculously excited about. Saw her walk through arrivals, squealed, jumped over the barrier and an old lady and nearly bowled her over. It's been so nice to see a good friend from back in Melbourne, I'm very tempted to hide myself in her backpack instead of working for the next three months!
The past two days I have been doing prep for the start of term. Filing, curriculum stuff,'s been pretty hectic. The boarders all arrived back today, so it's going to be lovely to see all the girls tomorrow. I'm working at Turner tomorrow morning a but earlier than usual, because there are SO many new girls it's crazy. Not the same house anymore, they're all so young. :)

See Mum, I told you I'd get around to blogging eventually!

Daisy is leaving tomorrow, Ria is coming over soon, so September should be a good month!

1 comment:

  1. I'm at Krissy's at the moment and we have both been discussing this latest offering. We have decided that this piece, although you have tried, lacks depth and sincerity. We have graded this as a D-, ie barely passable. Not what we would expect of a Macrob girl!
