Sunday, February 13, 2011

last week before half term

Friday night I overcame my Nana tendencies and dragged myself out of the flat with the others to go down to Yates, the local bar. It was fairly fun, apart from the fact that SOME FAT MOLL CHAV BITCH STOLE MY LEATHER JACKET! excuse the language, but I was very close to hunting down whoever had my beautiful jacket and throwing them down Amersham hill.

Saturday I got up bright and early to skype the family, including the O'Learys and Karamountzos'! After that I headed down to the station, to catch the train into London to meet Kate to go and be tourists together. However, the replacement bus from the station took forever to arrive, then my tube was delayed (but I had a lovely chat with an old lady on the tube about my dilemma and her cats (I'm not kidding), so that made it a little better) AND Kate had lost her phone so I ended up being 45 minutes late, freaking out that I wouldn't find Kate. She was freaking out on her end as well, even called me over the station PA haha. Luckily we found each other! It was really nice to see someone who I wasn't living with 24/7, and we went to the Tate, Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament and walked past the Globe. After that we headed back to Kate's flat, to have some dinner and grab the confirmation letter to see Grease that night...

Funny story, we get to Victoria Station and Kate looks at me and says
'I forgot the confirmation letter'
G - 'You're kidding'
K - 'Not kidding'
G - '...shit.'
So after freaking out for a bit we ran to Piccadilly theatre to pick up the tickets, without the letter that we thought we needed to prove that they were our tickets. Turns out we just need to say our names and postcode!

After that initial excitement we settled down to watch Grease. LOVED IT! Every time a song came on we got way too excited. Also did some sneaky dancing in our seats. A lady in front of us in Act 2 insisted on standing up for a good 2 minutes 'looking' for something, and I swear to god if I had had something to throw at her she would have tumbled over the balcony...sit down, watch the musical!!

After the show we headed back to Kate's and went straight to bed...we'd both gone out Friday night and were exhausted! Sunday morning we pulled ourselves out of bed, took one look out of the window and saw grey skies and rain, and decided not to go to London but stay home and watch a chick flick instead. Good decision by us, the wind was so gross outside our umbrellas blew inside out! After chilling under the doona on the couch and watching Orlando Bloom (mmmm), I headed home at 2.30, because catching the train at night, and then walking up the hill to school in pitch black and rain, is never fun!

Monday was fairly typical...aftercare was great. Being called 'Miss Peaches' by 5 year olds instead of 'Miss Peters' never gets old! Monday night there was a Valentines Day party at Turner House, and because I'm their floating gap I went around to help out with the party games (and eat their food). It was really fun, I helped them make little drama skits that they performed to the others, and they were absolutely hilarious! Janet and I then sat down stuffing our faces with cake and Jammy Dodgers and talked about Glee with the Uppers - all in all, a very good night. I love being linked to Turner House, they're such a fun group of girls and it's really nice to kind of get the best of both worlds - teaching and boarding.

Yesterday I was sick :( I woke up and felt so nauseous I was convinced I had a hangover that I couldn't remember. Now I think I was that sick because I had worked through my mofo of a cold the previous week, and my body just cracked it and went 'right, I'm going to MAKE you stay in bed this time.' Needless to say, my Tuesday consisted of sleep and being sick. Not fun.

But today is Wednesday, and the highlight of today has been that K, one of my Form 1s, baked me a cupcake :) She brought it into registration and gave me a big hug, then said 'Miss Peters, I baked you a cupcake last night cos I like you'. I died of cuteness.

Off to Berlin in 2 days! Woo!


  1. HI Georgie, Sorry to hear about your jacket - but maybe Berlin will have a better one!! It was great to see and speak to you last week - at least you still have an Australian accent at the moment. I am glad you enjoyed grease I can just imagaine your seat dancing!! Megan and Hannah saw "Tangled" (like a Disney cartoon musical) the other week - I think Hanah seeing it with Megan was not the same as seeing it with you, poor Hannah !!! Enjoy Berlin and I look forward to hearing all about it, stay safe love Caitlin and family

  2. I know every few minutes Megan would turn to me and ask me if I was serious and I would nod with a giant grin and attempt to sing the chorus with all the other 4yr olds :)
    Hannah <3

  3. Keep your eyes open for the jacket. I bet you'll see it sometime in the next 6 months. When you do approach from the front. You'd hate to smack someone in the head who actually has the same jacket.
    Thanks for the SKYPE the other day.

    Keep well. Lots of chicken soup required I think. You could always try Kathleen remedy.
    1/3 Brandy, 2/3 hot water, spoon of honey or sugar. IF it doesn't help (which it will) it puts you to sleep nicely.

    Love Dad

  4. My Brandy recpe is for ME not 18 yr old girls.
    Chicken soup sounds more sensible.tell us lots of Berlin won't you. thanks for letter darling,terrific,luv ya take care K and Da xx

  5. Enjoy Berlin Georgie-I love the way the 5 yr olds call you Miss Peaches-I have 3 lots of Prep grades for PE-bloody hard work!!!-Don't steal the Berlin wall or mention the war!!!!
    Love Uncle David
