Thursday, March 3, 2011

Awkward moment of the week - Watching netball on Wednesday night, I was cheering on the U12s and started up a conversation with the parents next to me. We were chatting away until one of them says 'So, which one is yours?' I spluttered, nearly choking on my tea and said 'Excuse me?'. The mother looked really confused and said 'Which one is your daughter?'. I laughed and told her that I was a gap teacher, and I have never seen someone go that red in my entire life! Poor lady.

Thursday and Friday I was at the IAPS tournament with the Godstowe netball squads. It's been lovely, I've taken two days off 'work' and have watched a million games of netball instead!

It was very weird though. Standing on the sidelines here, I was minding hotpacks and holding blankets for when the girls came off to keep them warm, whereas back home I would have been holding a water spray bottle to cool them down! On Thursday I ended up doing the timing for the entire tournament...all day...I was freaking out, if I rang the siren at the wrong time (I rang it for the start, half time and the end), there would be furious coaches and mothers upon me in seconds. Angry PE teachers are not to be crossed. It was freezing, the girls repeatedly exclaimed 'Miss Peters, your lips are like, blue!' I had 6 layers on...thermals, singlet, long top, rugby jumper, hoodie and fleece jacket - and I was still cold. The girls didn't go so well, but they had fun!

Friday was really fun :) the U12s and U13s came runner-up, which means that they're through to Nationals!! That's this weekend, and I'm pretty sure I'm heading up to Brighton with them for that. The games were only 10 minutes long so it was intense, LH and I were jumping up and down screaming and clapping and running into big team hugs whenever we won a match. They played so well, and tried their absolute hardest, I'm so proud of them!

This weekend was Open Day on Saturday, so all the teacher gaps had to work :( but Rose and I helped out with Cookery :) All we had to do was help the girls make cookies, and then eat the cookies, so pretty much I got paid to eat mixture and put cookies in the oven. Yummm. After we had all had lunch and Open Day was over, I headed down with the boarders to see 'Goodnight Mr. Tom' at the Wycombe Swan Theatre. It was beautiful. I love that book, and seeing the play was fantastic. Such a good book!!
Saturday night Aisling and I headed into London to Shepards Bush (such a funny name hahaha) to meet Kate and Em, and a couple of their friends. It was such a fun night, details of which will be disclosed in emails and letters, not on blogs! We stayed at Kate's, then headed home today. We met the boarders coming down the hill to go to the cinema as we were doing the walk of shame up it, so we went down into town with them and saw a movie :)

Not an incredibly exciting couple of days, but I thought I should keep blogging, so I don't fall out of the habit and I have this to remember this time next year!

1 comment:

  1. George, you must have felt like you were back on the courts at Hagley Park with your 11 year old self. Keep blogging, you'll love looking back. Corky's coming for dinner Sunday night. Let's teach them to Skype!
