Sunday, July 3, 2011

Activities Week

Activities Week. It means that for a week the girls play games, make things, do workshops etc. It's a very weird week...and very stressful!

Oh, on Sunday Lou adn CLaier arrived to stay with us for a couple of days! Claire's been popping in and out all week, it's been so lovely! She made us dinner a couple of nights ago and scones last ngith. She is the best house guest in the world!

Why? Let me explain...

I went on a day trip to France with the Middles. I know, casual day trip to France, whaddup England. We went through the tunnel. You drive into this shuttle thing and it whizzes you through the tunnel in 30 minutes. Crazy! We came out the other end and we were suddenly in France!

We spent the day in Boulogne-sur-mer

Walking around the markets, and spent a couple of hours in the aquarium. The girls had fun, although it was hot. got to about 31 degrees, and for 11 year old English schoolgirls that is sweltering. They did not STOP complaining, I came very close to yelling 'TRY 40 DEGREES!!'. The air conditioning on our bus was broken, of all the days...I do feel sorry for them, England's version of air conditioning is 'open your windows', so no wonder they were uncomfortable.

We had lunch at a lovely little restaurant opposite the beach. A couple of the teachers and I were very keen to take the girls for a dip, however due to health and safety that wasn't an option...stupid paperwork!!! We went for a wander through the town, and tried to force the girls to speak some French, which some of them did :) We stopped by a hypermarche to get some snacks, but we were really delayed at passport control (they made us do things we shouldn't ahve to do, landing cards visa checks etc) so missed our shuttle.

We thought 'Oh well, that's fine, we'll get the next one'. However, the shuttle that we were meant to catch broke down halfway, and we were delayed by 3 hours. Together with missing the shuttle, we were stranded with 40 Middles near the eurotunnel for 5 hours. That is a very long time. At first we relaxed and lay on the grass and it was lovely, but by the end the girls were all tired and we grumpy and we all just wanted to get home. After waiting in a queue for ages, we finally got in a shuttle and we all slept the entire way back home. Once we got back to Godstowe, we got the girls back to their parents as quickly as possible. Most of the parents waiting there were Dads, which made me laugh! Poor Dads, they're always the ones doing the crappy pick ups (well, in my family anyway). We cleared the bus of rubbish etc, then by the time I was done and could head back to the flat it was around the next day was not fun!

On Tuesday I helped out with the Upper Division Production, as well as the Viking Day for Form 2. Helping out with the production was great, they're doing a musical version of Romeo and Juliet. Set to Queen songs. I know! Amazing! Why did we never think of that at school? Viking Day was so boring, I threaded needles for two hours because they were making bags and satchels and things. I wanted to stab myself in the eye with the needle at the end of it. I'm happy to do anything 99% of the time, but I had been told that they were 'desperate' for help, but they actually didn't need me...can you tell I'm over younger children at the moment! I love them dearly, I do, but in small doses. I love the older ones so much more!
I worked with the girls, EG and CM choreographing dances, helping block and stuff. It was really fun, and I was really flattered because CM wantedto know and acted on them! She let me jump in and block scenes and everything! That night Em baked brownies. The best brownies in the world. They were DELICIOUS, that girl is indispensible. we had about a million each with a glass of milk, while watching we can be heroes and kath and kim. Partying hard in the gap flat, woo!!

Wednesday morning I spent helping out the Lowers with 'Team Games', but they really didn't need me at all...nice excuse to sit in the sun for a couple of hours! From breaktime to lunch I did some French workshops with the Form 1s, learning how to ask for an icecream in French. We then had icecreams at lunch, and they had to ask me and AA for them in French. 'Je voudrais une glace au chocolat' times 30. Very very cute. That was definitely one of the best activities to help out with. Combining two of my favourite things, French and icecream, into one activity? Winner. I have nooooo idea what I did that afternoon, but I had aftercare afterwards which was hell. Aisling was sick so I did it by myself, and the washing up took forever. The upside was that a) it was jam sandwhich day, yummy! and b) when I got back up to the flat the feeling of relief was incredible! :)

Thursday morning Rose, Em and I dressed up in uniform, as the girls had mufti day and we thought it would be funny. They loved it, thought it was hilarious. The teachers freaked out, they kept walking into the staffroom and going 'GAH I thought you were a student!!'. Nothing to say about that day, other than I did boring photocopy stuff. Thrilling. That night was the first night of the production, so Aisling and I headed down to do makeup and relived our MHS/MGHS musical makeup days. I did Lady Capulet's hair and makeup and I must say she looked stunning :)

Friday we spent ALL day making new labels for the trophies for speech day. It's all top secret so whenever a girl walked past the trophy cabinet we all dived over the lists and labels so they couldn't see. The sneaky things kept craning their necks to see but they had no chance hahaha. That night was also the production, and it was fantastic, I was so proud of them! When J sang Bohemian Rhapsody I got shivers, she was fantastic!

The weekend has been nothing special, other than I spent £100 on stuff for summer. Woops. It was babysitting money so it totally doesn't count!

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