Wednesday, June 22, 2011

not your average weekend

warning: not very related to work at all!

Well what a weird couple of days...

I was feeling quite ill on Saturday, and hadn't really been feeling too happy the whole week. I was just generally fed up with everyone and everything, wanting to travel and get out of this crappy little town and sick of teachers not telling us anything*. So Saturday I didn’t eat much at all because of my stomach ache, and decided to go out that night down to town. All I can say is BIGGG mistake. Drinking on an empty stomach, with blood sugar levels going everywhere is never a good idea. I won’t go into details, because putting that on the internet is never a good idea, but I woke up the next morning with no recollection of the night before, bruises and cuts all over my body and hypo at 3mmOl. I then spent the whole of Sunday curled around the toilet, head in the bowl and glasses of water around my feet. I didn’t give myself any insulin as I was hypo all day, and I am petrified of having another bad hypo. I had a horrible one last year when I couldn't move or speak, and one this year whoch was pretty much the same, and I am terrified of it happening again!

Monday morning I woke up and felt disgusting. Shaky, weak, nauseous, light headed. All the symptoms of high ketones but I really wasn’t thinking straight. Illife came into the staffroom to check our timetables to make sure everything was covered this week (it’s just me and Em because Rose and Izzy are on camp with the IVs) and immediately was like 'Ok, you're not well, what's up'. To cut a long story short, I ended up going down to the doctors around lunchtime, where he did some tests, told me that my ketones were through the roof and advised me 'extremely strongly' to go to hospital. So I spent my Monday afternoon and evening in Wycombe A&E on a drip, in a wheelchair parked next to the triage...whoo, joys of diabetes. I am 100% ready for a pump when I get back, I'm so sick of trying to work out basal and fast acting and screwing up my whole day if I get it wrong. Artifical pancreas here I come...

I came down to work the next day, feeling at about 75%, but keen to work because otherwise I would have been bored in bed the entire day, and they needed me. I had a discussion with Iliffe which reminded me very strongly of the discussions I used to have with Mum last year...
'Georgie, go back to bed, you're not well'
'I have to go to school, I have a SAC'
'The SAC can wait, you look like death'

I hate being mollycoddled, so I assured her I was OK for work, so spent Tuesday doing all my usual jobs apart from Kindergarten swimming. Haha, speaking of, they were using noodles in the know the big long polystyrene things? They call them 'woddles'. J. asked me to collect them up and I had noo idea what she was on about. Woddles?! That's not even a word!

Today I'm at 100%, work has been fine. Somehow all the teachers know that I've been 'poorly' and have been concerned, which is really nice! One of the girls asked me today 'Miss Peters, why is your hair so frizzy today?' have no bounds. Finally finished this massive profject I've been working on for the French department, SUCH a relief. If I have to laminate one more thing I will put myself through the laminator. Did some filing today while chatting to one of Iliffe's daughters who was helping out, which was lovely. There is a bit of a gymnastics craze going on in the Lower Division at the moment, so duties are spent helping girls with backwards walkovers, backbends, handstands etc. Stupidly I did the splits for some of them a couple of weeks ago (let's be honest, I'm a showoff and enjoyed the cries of 'but you're so OLD, how can you do that?) so I'm being asked to WATCH THIS MISS P!! every 5 seconds. It's very cute though!

It's Em's birthday today, so I'm off upstairs to get the cake ready, food out and put a movie on. Yay! 2 weeks until summer holidays, thank god!! 75% of things are booked, payday is on Saturday so the rest will be booked by the weekend. 2 months of travel, here I come!! I'll get the blogspot app on my ipod so I can blog and upload via wireless. Otherwise my family might disown me :)

*It’s so annoying. If a swimming/sport/whatever is cancelled, none of the teachers think of telling us, so we’re running around trying to suss out whether we have to re-organise rosters, where our class is etc. SO frustrating.


  1. HI Georgie - I dont know what to say except that being sick sounds foul you poor thing !!- but I know you don't want pity. You are such a strong clever beautiful and amazing person and we love and miss you very much!! I am glad to hear your trip plans are coming together - again I am jealous - that is all I ever seem to write here but I am !!! But I cant wait for the next installment to find out what happens - I am very glad to read about the blogspot app as I would miss your updates and yes your mother would not be pleased if you did not keep writing. Take care and be kind to yourself, keep writing and have fun, Love Caitlin Brendan and Megan

  2. all can say is mmmmmmmmm. Enjoy your Summer

  3. well georgie-I hope you are back on track and loking forward to yuor holiday-I hope they let you into greece-because they are all on strike or rioting!!!
    Keep well and behave youself
    Uncle David
