Tuesday, June 14, 2011

South of England show and Aisling's birthday

On Saturday Rose and I went into the South of England show with the boarders. Aisling, Izzy and Em stayed at home and relaxed/cleaned. Being teaching gaps, we were both given IVs to look after for the day, which was fantastic because the IVs are my favourite year level (shhh). The older the better. If I don't have to tell them to stop picking their nose, I'm happy...

After an hour long bus ride, sitting next to P. (Form 1) who played hangman and waterslide on my ipod the entire way up (she beat Hannah's high score, better start practicing Han), we arrived and got split into two initial groups, to be taken around by a tour guide. I wouldn't have been suprised if the guide had been 100, he was so old and doddery and insisted on showing us a 'very exciting' cow judging. From the back. So essentially we spent 15 minutes looking at cows bums. Lovely. I felt like I was on a school excursion for that part of the day, my group kept asking me things like 'Miss Petersssss, can't we just, like, fall off the back and get lost. He's so boringggg'. I couldn't exactly disagree with them, as he was as boring as cows poo, so we had a little countdown system going until it hit 12.30 and we could bail. To be fair, he did take us inside the cow, sheep and pig sheds, where the girls got treated to talks about the different types etc, but try making 13 year olds interested in different types of Jersey cows....hell, I'm not even interested. We all know I'm not a country girl.

The show was very English...lots of posh men walking around with bowlers, carrying canes, talking about heifers and sows. The horse show was very posh - lots of polite clapping and cries of 'Oh, well DONE'. I feel like I was in an Enid Blyton book again.
As soon as lunch had finished, David said 'Alright girls, you can go' and my group and I were off like a shot. Everyone else was still getting up and we literally ran hahaha. For the next couple of hours we walked around, looking at the horses, dogs, food and spending quite a bit of time in the sweet section. It was quite nice with just the four Ivs and me - A, I, E and C. We had a great time, chatted heaps. Just before we were due to meet up with everyone else, we all got an icecream and I did my blood test as usual. They were so interested in it - they're not on my breakfast table so they have never seen me inject or anything. It was really nice, they kept asking questions and were so nice about it. Makes a lovely change from Highlands girls screaming 'EW' and jumping 10ft in the air. That's another reason I love the older ones!

The bus ride back went quite quickly. I sat next to J and I, two IVS, and J and I sang Hairspray, Glee and Wicked the whole way back. I am such a dork. That night we were exhausted, and I headed over to Turner House to watch a movie with Janet and the girls before heading back to the flat and preparing for Aisling's birthday :)

Rose and I woke Aisling up that morning...by wearing Darren Criss masks and singing 'Ginny'. I'm glad to say she loved it! That day, after she had skyped her family and we had watched our weekly Sunday morning F.R.I.E.N.D.S episode, we headed down to town to go shopping, have lunch and see a movie. I'm hanging out for after summer, when I don't have to worry about saving and we can go crazy in topshop. We didn't go in - it was too depressing because we can't afford any of it :) We saw 'Diary of a wimpy kid', which was actually hilarious. We were the only people in the cinema who were not at primary school or parents, but that's beside the point. Very very funny. Rose and I had bought Aisling a Disney princess cake, so up at the flat while the others were watching Anastasia we sneakily put some candles in and sang her a very loud happy birthday and did presents :)
(Aisling later found out that one of the girls in Lodge had the same cake as her for her birthday. This girl is five. We regret nothing)

This week is going by quite quickly. Sports day is coming up, which should be interesting. Three weeks exactly until the school year is over and we're on summer holidays!!. And you know what I realised today? 6 months exactly until I'm at Heathrow catching a plane back to Melbourne. I wanted to cry when I realised this - I don't want to leave! Must I really go to uni?


  1. Brendan thought this might happen and to repeat what your mother - YES !! - at least when you do uni and finish you will be paid to do something you love :). Again it all sounds amazing - if you dont do teaching at uni you shoudl at least do something with writing you are fantastic - glad you are having fun, keep blogging - love Caitlin Brendan and Megan

  2. Hey Georgie, do you think you could do a post about the Godstowe selection essay/interview/whatever?
    Applications open soon and I really want to go so... yeah. Tips appreciated :)

  3. Mum and O'Learys - DO I HAVE TO GOOOO

    anonymous - shoot me a message on facebook and I'll tell you everything...but tell me who you are first :)

    Georgie. x
