Sunday, January 9, 2011


We went to the pantomime (or as the British say, the 'panto') on Saturday! All the boarding girls went, and the teacher gaps tagged along as well :) It was Peter Pan, and was very different to what I expected..I absolutely loved it. It's like a musical, but with adult joked spread throughout it (probably to make sitting through a pantomine bearable...) and lots of audience participation. Everyone yelled out things like 'He's behind you!' and 'Oh no he didn't!'
Apparantly it's traditional to have the main male character played by a girl (??) so Peter Pan was played by Dani Harmer. I was very jealous, she got to fly around on one of those harnesses. The woman playing Tinkerbell acted the entire time on rollerskates in a glittery fairy costume, I legitimately wanted to BE her. A girl from Godstowe was Wendy, so at the end of the show she gave a shout out to all the Godstowe girls, and I think I went temporarily deaf from the amount of screaming and whooping that was going on around me.
I can't really describe it, but the highlights were the crocodile, who sounded like Steve Irwin (all 6 Aussie gaps burst out laughing), the gymnastic-y flip bits (where they put out a mat and did jumps and flips and stuff to circus music..Relevant? No. Hilarious? Yes.) and the bit where the audience were given sponge 'rocks' to hurl at Captain Hook. The little Highlands girls in front were such sweethearts, they were up out of their chairs constantly yelling 'Oh yes you did!'. I gave 8 yr old S. (I don't think I should say their names on a blog, legal stuff?) all my sponge rocks, and she was very grateful. There was heaps of physical comedy, like whacking people with big planks of woods, and at the end they brought 4 little kids up onto the stage and asked them questions. The priceless bit for me was one little kid replying to the question 'Who do you know who does magic? Tinker...' with 'Harry Potter!'. I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard.

After the 'panto' we went to Maccas, Pound World (everything is a pound. everything. it is amazing.) then Yve and I walked up the hill back to Godstowe to work off our guilt at eating Maccas. I must not get fat this year!

Oh, and on Saturday morning I helped Highlands House out with their Saturday morning activities, after going for a short walk around High Wycombe. It was an opportunity to get to know the girls better, and do some exercise. 'Miss CT' (Yve), 'Miss Parker' (Caitlin) and I got them playing games like Octupus, kickball, Pony Express...very house activites, right down to the sneaky ninja roll in Pony Express. My teacher voice came out in all it's glory, but the Highlands girls seem to think I'm pretty awesome now, expecially when I did a handstand hahaha. Little A. ran up to me at lunch today and gave me a huge hug, and said 'Hi Miss Peters! When are we playing with you in the gym again?' I melted...
I took myself outside in the toasty 4 degree weather and ran up and down the court and shot netball goals for about an hour, because I'm craving some kind of high intensity exercise - I got this amazing one in from the edge of the circle as the Walker girls walked past and they all cheered, I felt talented haha.
Today has been boring, but relaxing. I was going to go down to town and set up a bank account, but that involves brushing my hair and getting things organised, and quite honestly I can't be bothered. Caitlin and I are sitting next to each other blogging and facebooking. I'm going through a book every two days here, so I 'm slowly making my way through the whole fiction section in the flat. This weekend has been very tame, we're all exhausted and can barely get up off the couch. We watched Moulin Rouge last night. and Aisling, Izzy and I sang along to every single song. Izzy knew the entire movie off by heart, we were very impressed. Lizzie McGuire movie was next, and we re-lived our 11 year old selves.

Next weekend we're going out :) Have been way too exhausted this week, but we'll start exploring the thrilling nightlife of High Wycombe soon enough. I''m also thinking about where to go for half-term - Ireland or somewhere over the channel? I'm really keen for Holland, don't know about anyone else!

Aisling just came downstairs and announced she has cleaned her stuff from our room, so I need to go and clean up my crap as well - it's only taken us a week to actually move our clothes from the floor to the wardrobe, which I think is a fairly good effort! However Aisling, Izzy and I are all very messy,and we're all happy to 'live in our own filth' (as Mum would say) so the flat itself is not looking as good as it did when the others lived here...eeek.



  1. It was great hearing your voice again this morning, Darling you were that fairy from the time you were 2, that was what you spent your time doing, depending on what name you wanted to be called on any particular day. In actual fact you have been her all your life! Love you,Mum

  2. Yay, finally worked how to post as me and not anonymous!

  3. oh george.
    think about you all the time.
    and absolutely shot with jealousy

    gonna try and get my mum to bring me over some time this year. miss you all too much!!!

  4. hi god daughter
    sounds like you're having a wonderful time-just went to Beechworth with your family and Steve and maria-had a great time-off to Knetonn on Friday
    your school looks beautiful i hope the chn are well behaved
    Love David

  5. I LOVE PANTOMIMES I remember seeing "Pirates of Penzance" as a kid...
    Now don't get too excited but, apparently David Hasselhoff (AKA the HOFF) is appearing in a Pantomime in London at the moment. OMFG could you imagine anything worse????
