Monday, January 17, 2011

This past week has literally flown by, it's gone so fast!

I got to help out with Upper and Fourths French classes this week as the teacher was busy with oral exams and enjoyed it so much, hopefully I can keep it up. I helped the girls with speaking, verbs, vocab - and calmed them down about their upcoming exams (I can't imagine having exams when I was 12! What?!). I gained the upper hand, a girl was extremely rude and I used my angry teacher voice (modelled on Mum's) and she shut up straight away. Win! They really liked me though, they asked if I could come every lesson cos according to the girls I'm 'like, such a good teacher' cos I 'like, totally make me understand the verbs' - woo ego boost! Duties were funny this week, the Uppers are obsessed with theatre sport games and they constantly ask for 'themes' to make up scenes to - very cute.

Friday night we all went out to experience the nightlife of High Wycombe. It was...TOTALLY LIKE THE EDGY BUT ENGLISH. I think I'm in Edgy withdrawal, I need my weekly dose of trash. After a round of Kings Cup we headed down to Yates. We got there at 10.30 but it was quite empty, so we plonked ourselves down next to two guys called John and Richard (we christened them Johnno and Dick hahaha) and chatted/drank until about 11 when it got busier. Danced to trashy music, ran away from sleazy guys, ran towards the hot guys, attempted the single ladies dance, made a certain winner of Kings Cup dance against the ugliest guy in the room - gooood night. Let's just say that we pull the English boys.

We were so delirious from exhaustion this week that on the way back from dinner one night we pulled out the bananas that we had kept from dessert and played 'Mission Impossible' all the way back to the flat, humming theme music and jumping out from behind trees. It's now an ongoing anytime you can be shot by a banana, so watch out. Em scared the living daylights out of Izzy a couple of days ago by jumping out from behind a column and 'shooting' her.A couple of days ago I wanted another piece of bread after dinner had finished, so I subtely grabbed one on the way out, then not very subtley rolled along the dining room floor and ninja kicked my way back with Aisling all the way down the hallway. Moral of the story - I think we've all regressed about 10 years working in a primary school!

Yesterday (Sunday) I went iceskating with Walker House, tagging along with Em and Greer. It was heaps of fun, I love iceskating so much! One of my Form 1's was there so I spent a good 30 minutes with her twirling and attempting to skate backwards (yes, I am 8 years old). On the way back I was treated to a 20 minute gossip session about T and D's numerous boyfriends and how 'fit' the boys are that they know. Hilarious, sometimes I wish I was 13 again.

We also collected Rose yesterday! She's such a machine, started work today after only being in the country 24 hours. It's lovely to have her here, we missed her! It's also nice to have a 12 E-er in main school with me, we had a huge nostalgic session about yr 10 geography today while photocopying haha.

Not much else to say. Highlands (the younger boarding house) is sick, half of them have a stomach bug and the other half aren't far off it, so I'm staying far away. Need to get my bank account and rail card sorted out. Hopefuly will get into London this weekend and do some touristy things, go out...and take pictures! Sorry I've been so slack with photos!

Also got my uni offer today, and successfully deferred it (SO complicated!). Monash Arts 2012 here I come :) I was a nerd a couple of days ago and did some Schaums grammar exercises - it felt good to exercise my brain, but I can't take much of it! Only so many si clauses I can do before I go back to watching movies. Oh the free time is amazing, no guilt about not year is the best.

I've skyped a few of you now, everyone else get it! It's so nice seeing someones face and hearing their voice. Rang Lydia in my break on Thursday, and word-vomited for about 20 mins, I don't think she said more then 50 words, sorry babe.

But I like being here, it kind of feels like home now and it's only been 3 weeks!


  1. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself - it sounds like fun - so much so Megan now wants to do it - I said if she did she had to goto Macrob - we will see how that goes!! You write so well I feel like I am there and I can picture you playing with the girls - I can't believe you get paid to play!! Keep up the blog it is fantastic reading what is happening - take care love The O'Learys

  2. You are having a great time aren't you, beaut about Monash2012, Georgie, will you let me know your correct address, I may write again, letters,snail mail ya know? but not sure the last letter was correct. thanks darling Da &I love reading your blogs. love you Da & K xxxxxxx

  3. Watch out for those pasty pommie gits. Dont you dare come home with one. Sorry that's just the overprotective father coming out in me.
    Keep up the good work darling. Love Dad

  4. Like you Dad said-watch out for those Pommie Boys-the Scots are a good bunch
    Uncle David

  5. i love these blogs!! your a great blog writer!! xx love steph hag xx
