Monday, January 24, 2011

whaddup west end!

These past weeks have been quite normal, nothing out of the ordinary! Work goes past quickly, probably because I'm so busy. However, my tea breaks are my life - I have drunk more tea this month than I have in the past 18 years living in Australia. I photocopy while drinking tea, teach EAL while drinking tea...I'll probably die from over-consumption at some point but when it's so cold and wet outside, tea is sooo good.

I covered a class last week, which was fun! They were really really short staffed because the highlands virus was making its way around the staff so I covered for the Uppers health class. It was a class about drugs, talking about the issues that surround it and stuff like that. We read case studies, then had a huge class discussion, putting our ideas and opinions up on the board, then the girls had to get into groups and write their own advice letter. I really enjoyed it, the girls had such great ideas and opinions and it was really interesting to hear different opinions from 11 year olds on this kind of subject...although I did have to explain what the words 'dope' and 'weed' meant... I didn't want to corrupt their brains! I got a hug from C. when the bell went, and she said that 'this class was, like, really good today.' Legit couldn't wipe the smile off my face for an hour.

I helped out with netball club last week, which I've been itching to get involved in ever since I got here. If I keep that up hopefully I'll be able to pick up some umpiring at games - although I'll have to be nicer, I was so harsh on the U13s I think they're scarred from trying to stand closer than 3 feet ever again. I turned into my mother, it was quite scary...
'K. will you get into the goal circle, you're not a wing attack!!!'

Working here has also confirmed my gut feeling that I never want to work with younger children. Ever. They are cute, extra enthusiastic, really rewarding to teach, and I won't deny that I enjoy playing tiggy with them during my duty time, but they drive me UP THE WALL. Taking Kindergarten down to the main school today, then asking them to put on their coats and shoes when we left was like I was asking them to tell me the meaning of life...HOW CAN IT BE THAT HARD?!

me: 'Quickly J, put your shoes on'
J: 'I've lost my shoes'
me: 'You're sitting on them J'
me: 'Put on your hood D'
D: 'I don't want to'
me: 'It's raining outside, you'll get wet'
D: 'Don't want to'
me: 'If you don't put your hood on your hair will get messy'
D: *quickly puts hood on*
I win this time!

This weekend I headed into London. Friday night Izzy and I went in to take the girls to London for Exeat weekend (which is when the boarders have a weekend at home), which meant a free train ticket. Had a chat with them on the way up and I'm telling you, although they're all loaded I wouldn't want to be some of them. Spending your weekend off boarding with your nanny? No thanks. This one girl only sees her parents twice a year, and spends the rest of her time with her nanny. Poor baby! We handed them over within 5 minutes so Izzy and I went to Piccadilly Circus to buy theatre tickets and generally hang out. I walked out of the tube station and my camera came out immediately, I'm such a tourist. Later on I met the boarding gaps and we had a delicious Chinese dinner in Chinatown. Sweet and sour chicken with fresh pineapple and pomengranate. YUM.

On Saturday, after doing some messages in town, Aisling and I caught the train in to do some sightseeing, then meet Janet and Izzy to see CHICAGO! We literally picked any place on the tube map and ended up in trafalgar square. It was very cool, packed full of tourists like us. The highlight was out failed attempts to climb the lion statue, we really did nothing for the Australian tourist reputation. We headed to a pub to have some dinner, then found the theatre for Chicago!

BUT as Aisling attempted to buy some snacks for the show she realised she had left her wallet in the pub. Naturally we all freaked out, because this is London and the chances of someone handing in your wallet are minimal. However 15 minutes later she came back all smiles, because some lovely couple had found it and were waiting for somebody to come and collect it. My faith in the human race was restored.

The show was amazing, as it always would be. Vivien Carter was Velma (she's Australian) so I felt some Aussie pride shining through! She was great, the boys were gorgeous but all so obviously gay. The woman playing the Hungarian had legs up to her head, everytime she walked on stage I wanted to be her. The dancing was amazing, slightly different choreography to the Australian version but still very Fosse! It finished and I was walking on air until I went to bed. We finished off the show with a 99p McFlurry, it's definitely becoming a tradition.

and I bought a Chicago mug!!! It's staying with me forever, new favourite posession.

Not much else to say really. A. (not Aisling, a student) told me today that I should have done boarding at Highlands, but to be honest I'm so happy with my choice! And I'm happy being the sport gap (STOP LAUGHING FAMILY I AM ACTUALLY CO-ORDINATED), partly because I get to wear trackies and partly because it's really fun, gives me variety and I get to know more of the girls as well. :) The thing I'm really missing from Australia are my pets! I miss having my cat lying next to me on the couch and the dogs clambering all over me. It's so weird without them!

I have cheap phone cards, so let me know when a good time to call is and I can chat, because I miss all your voices!

Oh, and have booked a tour of turkey for april (and ANZAC day, I am so excited), and flights and accomdation for Berlin in Feb! WOO!


  1. Hi Georgie - it all sounds amazing - and now at least you now know not to go into primary teaching!! I feel sorry for that little girl - that is awful poor thing. Glad you enjoyed chicago - Berlin will be amazing and Anzac day is fantastic !! Enjoy - keep up the great writing - It makes me feel like one day I might have to get there !! - love Caitlin and the O'Learys

  2. Hello!!!
    all i can say is i hope u forget everything u saw in Chicago because u and i will be seeing it when u come back!!!!(we might have to sneak in) anyway you'll be glad to know my i-pod is lost forever LOOKED EVERYWHERE so 'my life is ,like, totally over!!' :D
    you sound like ur having fun Maria is over the moon about the trip she is already practising walking with a bit tourist bag on her back (she wants 2 look more touristy than u!!)so she gets used to the wieeit!!

    Hannah <3 xoxoxoxoxoxox
