Wednesday, January 5, 2011

We've all gotten our positions now - I'm a teacher gap with Emily and Izzy, who are the other gaps that aren't Mac.Robbians. Izzy has already been here since September with the other gaps, and she's absolutely hilarious. She's English but has lived in France all her life so I don't speak French at all now, because her French is so amazing and I'm completely embarrassed! Emily came a few days after us and is from sydney, she's lovely and really friendly. Aisling is working in the 'Lodge', a little seperate school opposite the main school for 3-6 year olds - so really, she works with gorgeous cute toddlers all day! We went down to town yesterday arvo and had ourselves a movie night..we watched 'Across the Universe' and ate pasta, pizza and chocolate spread for dessert. Our fridge, up until today, contained pizza, a lot of alcohol and an old urgent restock was needed!! But the food here is so good - 100 bucks that you'll have to roll me through the arrivals gate when I come back to Melbourne, I can already feel myself putting on weight! We've moved into our flat above the lodge, which I'll put photos up of soon. The room that I share with Aisling is already a pigsty, typical! However all the photos of you guys are up, so thats the most important part! :)

Yesterday, after doing some filing (I have to thank Ms Harvey for the multiple late-note detentions I received, because I have some serious filing skillzzz) and giving myself my first papercut, we made our way to another staff meeting. One thing about Godstowe...everything they do, they do with tea. The canteen ladies (is it dinner ladies over here?) were handing out tea and coffee with biscuits before we filed into the meeting. I love England. Not much else to say, quite a relaxed day.

Today the girls arrived and I love it, because the school seems so much more lively and there's such a great atmosphere. After helping the Form One's (which I think are like Grade 1, Prep maybe? I'm still so confused, why can't they call Grade 1 Grade 1?) and bringing them to assembly, making sure they all sat down quietly, I walked out to do some filing for Illife and literally just burst into tears...homesickness just kind of came upon me. It was only for 10 minutes or so - after a hug from Janet and Michele (the Turner housemistress) and a piece of chocolate I was fine and have been as happy as I usually am since then. I think it's because I haven't spoken to my family since I've arrived!

As a side note, the kids here are so loaded...they would come up to me and tell me what they got for Christmas - a Form One (8 year old) this morning waltzed up to me and announced 'I got a Macbook for Christmas!', then another chimed in with 'Well I got an iphone for Christmas!', then another one said 'Me and my brother both got an XBox 360!'. In their holidays they went to the USA, Australia...the GEM of the day was one little girl saying 'We went to our chateau in France, but I didn't like it because it wasn't very pretty'. Dudeeee.
Anyway after all that filing (I'm a whiz, she was impressed at my speed) I went and got the kids from Kinder and helped with their gym lesson. This was by far my favourite part of the day. They were doing forward rolls, V sits, start jumps, that kind of thing. I know it sounds weird, but saying 'now jump up high to the ceiling!' and 'point your toes! legs together and straight as a beanpole' was quite fun. The PE teacher is in charge of the netball squad and the gymnastics club, so I think that's where I'll be spending my time...the Lower's production is on soon as well, so Izzy, Em and I are quite keen to help out with that as well.

I was on duty, but it was wet, which is GREAT because it means I just have to sit in a classroom and make sure the girls aren't swinging from the ceiling or anything. They are so enthusiastic about meeting us..
'What's your name'
'I'm Miss Peters'
'Oh my god you're in our house ohmygodohmygod you're our floating gap!'
I'm helping out with Turner House, and all the girls are so lovely! They were so keen, asking me questions and stuff. It's so hard to not say my first name - the girls have to call us Miss, and I've nearly said 'Georgie' so many times. Apparantly they will try all year to find out your first name!

I did reception for a bit, which is pretty much answering phones and playing spider solitaire..Then I realised I had a doctors 10 Em very kindly covered for me, I RAN LIKE THE WIND up to the flat, down to the bursar to get paperwork, then UP again because I forgot my passport, then finally Caitlin and I rocked up 10 minutes late, puffing and red in the face, after getting lost. It was that awkward moment where you run into a room and it's totally quiet and the only sound is the sound of you puffing and wheezing...eeek.

And now I'm up in the flat, eating chocolate spread in my pjs, about to ring my parents! First day of actual work has been great...and the constant supply of tea and coffee doesn't hurt either :)


  1. Hello Georgie.
    Dexter here trying to give
    kathleen a hand.
    Bear with us.

  2. Hi georgie Look I'm not a LUDITE after all. Im just trying to learn how to make a comment Kx

  3. They named a house after me?!?! THATS SO COOL!

  4. Promise I won't keep doing this,but I have to see if this arrives without Dad/Will/Hannah helping me.very funny girls not allowed to know your christian name.I spent yrs trying to find out my teachers names,never did but they were nuns,a third sex,there were men women and nuns,when i was 18 I discovered they were female I had to nurse them!!!!! bye Kathleenxxx

  5. Hey babe, we're missing you too. Send me some numbers so we can ring you! Its been a hot day today. Steph, Donna and Bob were sround for a spa and then stayed for tea. O'leary's are here too. Keep up the blogs, its great hearing what's happening in your life at the moment. love you, Mum

  6. Yes the O'Leary's have just left the Peter's and they are wondering too how the 'new Pom' is travelling in her domain. All our love and best wishes from Cait, Megan and Brendan!!!!

  7. Hey there lovey, glad you're settling in.
    Love Ria

  8. Sorry about that it's the account I use with students so you'll have to let put up with Ms Haggett...
