Monday, January 3, 2011

start of 2011!


On New Years Eve we left High Wycombe and took a train into London. After getting off at Marylebone then getting very very lost due to cancelled services (thanks to metro we're used to that...), we finally got to Paddington and found our hotel. I looked like such a tourist, holding this massive map out in front and walking at the same time, but we did get there in the end! Caitlin and I were very excited, walking through the same station as Paddington Bear...the others, not so much. Too keen.

After chilling in the hotel for a bit and watching some 'How to look good naked' (we are in the land of Gok!), we went for a walk through Hyde Park. It was lovely - obviously really cold and foggy, but in the distance I saw lights. I got really excited and forced everyone to 'follow the sparkles!' and we ended up stumbling upon a 'Winter Wonderland'! It was this winter carnival, with rides, an ice rink and shops selling roasted chestnuts, mulled wine etc. Fake snow was everywhere, and little christmas was so cute! After doing the lap of the carnival and camwhoring as we walked back we decided to have dinner, as it was ridiculously dark, then realised it was 4pm...stupid english weather.

To wade off the hunger we walked down oxford st, and stumbled upon the west end, then as our stomachs were crying out for attention we went the healthy option and got some fries and burgers from a dodgy hole-in-the-wall takeout place. After a nap (shut up, we're still jetlagged!) Aisling, Yve and I tore ourselves out of bed and got ready to go out.

However...Aisling got a call from her worried aunt, and the general gist of the conversation was 'DON'T GO TO THE FIREWORKS THERE'S A TERRORIST THREAT!!' so we went for a walk around paddington instead. We bumped into some swedish girls who were looking for something to do as well, and who were hilarious, but they decided to go into the fireworks, and not wanting to get raped/mugged/murdered, we decided to detour to an old person pub around the corner and dance to shitty music. We found out the next morning that there was actually a GOOD pub just around the corner, however as Yve and Aisling's feet hurt and I was very intoxicated (but SAFELY intoxicated Mum, don't worry!) we didn't find it!
I met a French boy, so I was happy for a good hour. I then met his friend who was Israeli, and I uttered some gem quotes during this time, including 'Oh my god do you speak hebrew?!' Israeli guy 'Yes!! do you?!' Me: 'No. Bonjour!' and 'Cute french boys are cute. That's why they're cute'. (In my defence he was very very cute). We counted down until midnight, where I yelled 'HAPPY 2013!!!'. Wrong year Georgie.

After more of that, we went next door to grab some icecream and Cleo, went up to our hotel room and had our own little party. My french senses tingled after hearing a 'JE M'EN FOUUU!' from outside our window, so Aisling and I hung out the window and had a yelling conversation in French with the French tourists below us. We decided to meet them then promptly forgot about it around 5 minutes later. Welay on the bed and talked about 2011 then fell asleep around 3am. Not a wild New Years Eve, but not a bad one either!

New Years Day we decided to be tourists and went to the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum. Yes I know, Georgie in a science museum, I felt like I was cheating on Lakeside with Kingsway. The Science Museum was AWESOME, there was this one level which we spent a couple of hours on, it was all about genetics and biology and DNA. All this interactive stuff which was definitely meant for kids, but which we had huge amounts of fun on. There was this one quiz which yelled 'HELLO!' in a very strong british accent, and Aisling and I jumped about 10 feet in the air and didn't stop laughing for ages. The Natural History Museum was very cool, but after the dinosaurs and animals all we saw were a lot of rocks, so I cracked a wobbly and sat against a wall with Aisling camwhoring until everyone else had finished. It was literally a whole level of rocks...Corky, you would have loved it, I was dying slowly.

After a LOT of walking (and tagging behind a tour group, thus getting a free talk about Kensington Palace - YESSS!) we met Janet at Paddington, who had come from Heathrow. We chilled in our hotel room, watching crap British TV, and just generally got excited about being in London.

January 2 we came back to Godstowe, relaxed, walked, and watched Misfits (new favourite show! I'm in love!!). Today we're in the middle of staff meetings, and have our positions. I'm a teaching gap, and get to help out lots with sport - yay! They play so much netball here, so I'm very excited to start umpiring and coaching again! They also do heaps of productions, so I'm set!

Miss you all, hope your NYE was great!

1 comment:

  1. georgie, this sounds amazing!!! insanely jealous :)
